Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 49: Welcome to the Horror Show

Octobert 23rd, 2021

In this 6th Annual Halloween episode, we return to our roots with some rather fitting monster names, Tim shows off his inner sous-chef, and Dave’s forced to rush through his hobby updates yet again.

Then, Addams Family Feud once again rises from the dead, Jean picks up a rather unfortunate new nickname, and we find out that Dave must have learned his math skills from Jane Goodall.

And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money hits the Halloween runway, Geeky Jean takes a breather after all those knuts, and Celebrity Deathmatch finds itself in a bit of a rough patch.

Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. Even when he has to leave early we find out it’s still just as spicy in his absence..

Episode 49 Show Notes and Links

Hobby Updates – 

Hobby Updates Legend: BG (Board Game), MG (Mobile Game), RPG (Role Playing Game), TG (Tabletop Game), VG (Video Game). The rest are pretty self explanatory really. Unless you’ve been living under a rock that is. If so, then welcome back. 

Interviews and Friends of the show

  • No interviews today. It’s all us baby.. All us..


  • Nothing of note this episode. But we’re looking forward to attending some in the near future! Have any you think we should check out? Let us know!

Shut Up and Take My Money!

Celebrity Death Match

The Great Pumpkin Vs David S Pumpkins

Bonus Track

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