November 22nd, 2023
In our 8th Annual Halloween episode, Tim’s clones continue to degrade with each new copy, Dave gets to the point when he gives everyone a confused finger, and Lathan’s tinkering threatens to bring about the AI apocalypse.
Then, Addams Family Feud returns yet again, Tim shows his artistic side and gets a bit froggy, and we all wait with bated breath to see if the Wolfman still has his nards.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money has a bone to pick, Geeky Jean ding dong ditches us, and Celebrity Deathmatch names names in a very chaotic throwdown.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. Will you be prepared when it finally comes for you? Somehow, I’m not so sure anyone will be..
October 18th, 2023
In this incredibly delayed episode, a majority of the crew calls in sick and Dave nearly ends up recording alone, Tim’s return was short lived when Watson fills in on his mic, and Lathan gets Hobby Updates all to himself and still manages to run long anyway.
Then, Dave recaps his solo adventure down to Gen Con, reluctantly talks about Disney’s Lorcana, and then is forced to provide an alibi for his whereabouts when a fortune in Magic cards goes missing.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets hijacked, Geeky Jean calls in sick, and Celebrity Deathmatch gets downright ballsy when it comes to rats.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. The line for this one was a bit long but hopefully it’s worth the wait. But I somehow doubt it..
Man, It Looks Like I'll Have to Actually Update the Page Now..
July 26th, 2023
I never could have imagined that the Meat Grinder would take off the way it did at this year’s Adepticon. I showed up on Friday, found an open spot, and set up shop hoping to reel in a few players to join in on this annual miniature horror show. As I went through my spiel, most feigned mild interest, others laughed nervously, and some avoided direct eye contact altogether with the guy who was asking them to destroy their treasured minis just for the sake of a silly game.
But as time ticked by we started to find some takers… A match here, a match there and it started to pick up steam. And with each new match, chants of “Grind It!” began to echo through the halls of the convention, getting louder and louder as the day rolled on. By midafternoon I was happy with the turnout and thought it couldn’t get much louder when minis hit the Grinder.
That’s when the Mordheim guys showed up and proved me wrong.
First there was a group of 8. Then 10. Then before I knew it, the arena was surrounded by a mass of bodies, each cheering, laughing, and gleefully tossing minis into the Grinder as each of them fell. “Grind It! Grind It! Grind It!” rang through the hallways and could be heard throughout the convention. It was insane. And I loved every minute of it. And as Friday came to a close, I popped a beer, started to pack things up, and thought it couldn’t possibly get better than this.
After recording episode 58 that afternoon I was beat and hadn’t actually planned on running the Meat Grinder on Saturday night. But Steve popped in and told me that he and a few of his buddies had stayed up to the wee hours of the morning to kitbash and paint their combatants and really hoped I would. So, while still hungover and exhausted, I agreed. After all, it’s just one more night and a few more trips to the Grinder, right?
And then the Mordheim guys showed up and proved me wrong.
When Steve said a few, I was expecting the group that had been there the night before. I could not have been more wrong. I heard them coming before I actually saw them. And they did not come alone. Those 8-10 guys from the night before had more than doubled in size, bringing along with them more friends as well as Youtubers Miniwargaming Dave, Eric from Eric’s Hobby Workshop, and Trent from Miscast to join in the fray.
24 kitbashed monstrosities, each lovingly built and painted in the way too late hours of the night before now stood ready in the way too small confines of the Meat Grinder arena. And when the battle commenced it was quick, brutal and unforgiving. And it was glorious. The dice rolled, excited shouts went up, and minis went down. It was utter chaos. As combatants fell they met the Grinder for their first and last time and I have honestly never seen so many people relish the destruction as they ground their very own creations to dust. And I loved every single moment of it.
This feeling is why we do what we do. A long time ago, Tim and Lathan came up with the game and people came. I joined the fray first as a friend and player until the Adepticon we found ourselves without an arena and the Meat Grinder was in jeopardy of not making an appearance that year. But, I couldn’t live with that. So with the clock ticking and a couple weeks to go I got to building. Had I done anything like this before? No. But I knew people online that had. So I hit Youtube, checked out any channel I could find and got to work. And what channels helped the most? MWG Studios, Eric’s Hobby Workshop, and Miscast. And with their inspiration I was able to build this –

So, to see the very individuals that inspired this build welcoming the chaos and sheer insanity of it all means so very much to me. It goes without saying that this year was by far and away the biggest turnout I’ve ever seen. And I’ve got a strange feeling that record won’t last for long. Because The Meat Grinder will be back at Adepticon in 2024. And we’re hoping to see every single one of you maniacs there next year. So keep on building, kitbashing, and painting those minis because the Grinder is gets very, very hungry while it sleeps and can’t wait to see you again. But until then, I’ll just leave you with these words..
Thanks again from the Anonymous Tabletop Crew. See you all next year.
July 24th, 2023
In this milestone episode the crew goes a bit too far and breaks the Multiverse, Tim returns to the show but there’s something just a bit off about him, and Lathan talks about recording from a brand new perspective.
Then, in this very special episode we talk about bullies, I answer a fake phone that just won’t stop ringing, and we deviate so far from the topic but somehow come full circle and return to it. Go figure.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets drunk and takes a beating, Geeky Jean buys us another round, and Celebrity Deathmatch gets meta when some famous bullies finally get bullied.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. This one’s going to steal your lunch money and give you a wedgie. Now stop hitting yourself..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
May 21st, 2023
In this very not safe for work episode, Tim takes another sick day and we give him all sorts of crap for it, Jean takes a trip down memory lane and ends up weasing the juice, and we take an impromptu trip to the bowels of Uranus.
Then, Lathan recaps his recent titillating trip to Exxxotica, we find out that Jean is quite the authority on leather and BDSM, and Dave thinks nothing really says romance like needing to throw a tarp down first.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets kinky and builds an Empire, Geeky Jean revisits Uranus, and Celebrity Deathmatch takes a moustache ride and ends up covered in Jello.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. This one will likely ruin your childhood.. Sorry..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
April 18th, 2023
In this episode we’re back at Adepticon for another chaotic live recording, we toast and commiserate when we remember our missing friends, and find that it requires a tag-team when it comes to auditioning for a replacement Tim.
Then, we find out that “Robe Guy” has a fair amount of pull at this convention, we correctly make the assumption that all Canadiens seem to know each other, and Future Dave gets riled up once again as Lathan works on a Robot Tim.
And finally, Clint and Bite-Sized Tim try their hand at running Segment 3, Random Nonsense devolves into Random Chaos, and Dave leaves for a bit, and it only gets worse from there.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. Sure, he’s not here but rumor has it that this one’s a killer..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
February 2nd, 2023
In this first episode of 2023, Tim and Lathan try to be good but fail miserably, we mix it up during hobby updates but it’s the same old chaos, and Dave tries to reignite his gaming passion with another gaming group.
Then, we look forward to the new year in upcoming movies, tv shows, and conventions, find out that Tim really, really, really doesn’t like the new Groot, and Dave imposes a strict no Malort policy for our next Adepticon recording.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets handsy, Geeky Jean gets an error 404, and Celebrity Deathmatch wonders if A.I. is actually all that intelligent after all.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. This one gets a bit repetitive if you ask me..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
December 24th, 2022
In this festive Christmas episode, we prove to everyone we’re far from role models, we let listeners know they absolutely get what they pay for, and Tim and Dave discuss the rule of three and butt cheeks.
Then, we get filthy when we play a disgusting trivia game, Jean and Lathan call out David Copperfield and the etiquette of orgies, and Tim breaks down the math behind some very impressive “sex toys”.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets lazy, Geeky Jean takes another holiday, and Celebrity Deathmatch pits a fat man vs a kramp man.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. Will it be full of presents of just the usual lump of coal this time?
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
December 1st, 2022
In this absolutely stuffed Thanksgiving episode, Tim gets high and mixes up his TV presidents, I call out some of our more lethargic listeners, and Lathan tries to get me to edit yet another podcast.
Then, we talk about our favorite film turkeys of the silver screen, Lathan calls fowl when begging for a presidential pardon, and I go off on another rant about people who complain about movies. Surprise!
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money shills some games for Big G Creative, Geeky Jean picks her favorite berries, and Celebrity Deathmatch pits a giant gobbler against some very tiny cobblers.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. He bites off a bit more than he can chew in this one..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
October 31st, 2022
In our 7th Annual Halloween episode, we once again fire up the monster name generator, ghosts invade our studio light fixtures, and Dave helps Clint out with some pretty damn good film ideas.
Then, Addams Family Feud returns once again, Mark finds out he has premature buzzer issues, and Dave gets a multiple choice answer wrong and somehow manages to piss off Blacula.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money hits up a strip club, Geeky Jean takes a breather when she finds herself in stiches, and Celebrity Deathmatch finds out what’s black and white and red all over.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. Whatever you do, don’t ever ask him for a piece of pie..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
September 8th, 2022
In this episode we fall victim to some Intro-Ception, Jean divulges one of her greatest improbable fears, and Dev shows up and gets snappy and is rewarded with the ire of Future Dave.
Then, Katie and Dave recap their eventful trip to Gen Con, our gaming podcast proves it knows very little about gaming, and Dave also proves that he doesn’t listen to Katie when it comes to her game reviews.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money has a special guest and gets downright charitable, Geeky Jean takes the episode off, and Celebrity Deathmatch ends with a dish best served cold.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. Because, up until this episode, it seems that Tim has…
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
August 2nd, 2022
In this much delayed episode we finally get the gang back together, well sorta, Katie brings us back in with her best NPR voice, and Dave discusses the thought experiment of Schrodinger’s beer.
Then, we catch up on Lathan’s hobby updates, that runs so long we need an intermission break, and then he makes up for it when he offers up a brand new game in an impromptu giveaway.
And finally, Lathan breaks out his best sales pitch for One Page Rules, Jean proves that we actually do fact check once in a while, and Dave goes off on a spoiler-filled Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness rant.
Oh, and then we play the party game Herd Mentality. Sort of forgot about that. Yep, it’s a gameshow!
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
May 4th, 2022
In this episode we finally find ourselves back at Adepticon for a live recording, Katie kicks it off with a Robe Guy introspective, and Dave finds that his word of the day proves very fitting for this recording.
Then, Mark decides to introduce everyone to Malort. Yep, that’s pretty much it. Remember what Dave said about his word of the day? Prepare to revel in our misery.
And finally, we begin to pay the price for tempting fate with Malort and we decide to skip our regularly scheduled program to bring you Golden Demon painting hour with pro painters Ben, Matt, and Mark.
Oh, and Tim’s Sack? That shriveled up this episode and was a no show. Thanks, Malort…
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
January 20th, 2022
In this milestone 50th episode we somehow manage to get the entire Band back together, Joe and I get into the literal holiday spirits, and we recount some of our favorite moments from the past 50 episodes.
Then, we catch up on some hobby updates, manage to fend off an attack from a pack of Joe’s Wooves, and I break into a rant about binging, social media, and trying to avoid spoilers.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets sweaty, Geeky Jean explores our geeky holiday traditions, and Santa returns to Celebrity Deathmatch hoping to clean out a few vents.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. This time it’s stuffed with more than a bit of holiday cheer..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
October 23rd, 2021
In this 6th Annual Halloween episode, we return to our roots with some rather fitting monster names, Tim shows off his inner sous-chef, and Dave’s forced to rush through his hobby updates yet again.
Then, Addams Family Feud once again rises from the dead, Jean picks up a rather unfortunate new nickname, and we find out that Dave must have learned his math skills from Jane Goodall.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money hits the Halloween runway, Geeky Jean takes a breather after all those knuts, and Celebrity Deathmatch finds itself in a bit of a rough patch.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. Even when he has to leave early we find out it’s still just as spicy in his absence..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
September 18th, 2021
In this episode we try to be welcoming to any new listeners but fail miserably, Lathan runs late and Dave “accidently” forgets to turn on his mic, and Dev Skypes in only to run into more technical difficulties..
Then, we try our hand at another game show when we play Fake News or Not, discuss the concept of “partial” listeners, and Dave quickly realizes his mistake when the game show devolves into who can irritate him the most.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets alienated, Geeky Jean gets curious, and Celebrity Deathmatch proves itself to be downright artificial.
Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. It’s nothing to get too excited about. No matter how much we try to fake it…
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
August 25th, 2021

In this time twisted episode, we invite some variants to sit in for some of our missing crew, Mario returns and gets a whisky named after him, and Dev Skypes in only for us to find out exactly how he feels about using the Schwartz.
Then, a variant Geeky Jean goes back into the past and takes over a previous segment, we look to the future of a lot of upcoming MCU projects, and Future Dave shows up so much this episode that he risks being pruned by the TVA.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets tongue tied, Celebrity Deathmatch proves to be a somewhat Loki affair, and Tim’s Sack takes its sweet time with a lookback at some of our favorite movies.
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
July 28th, 2021

In this long-awaited episode we finally manage to get the Crew back together in the same room, Tim finds a way to hurt himself in the manliest way possible, and Lathan forgets how to podcast while we’ve all been away.
Then, we all raise a glass for some interesting booze taste tests, Dave finds those glasses go down way too easy today, and Katie looks to refill her Netflix queue when she asks for everyone’s favorite pandemic playlist.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money hits the Rim, Geeky Jean asks a question she already knows the answer to, and Celebrity Deathmatch gets Marvelous with too many Captains and a premature Sack.
Oh, and don’t forget Tim’s Sack. I promise you, this one’s gonna be a tearjerker..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
November 18th, 2020

In our 5th Annual Halloween episode we learn the hard way that costumes and podcasts don’t mix, Tim forgets who’s responsible for our sweet, sweet podcasting money, and Dave’s pandemic solitude leads him back to Azeroth and an old gaming addiction.
Then, we find out once again who among the crew deserves the chalice of misery when The Addams Family Feud returns from the dead yet again. Third time’s a charm!
And finally, we plug a truly topical Halloween decoration, Geeky Jean plays favorites, and Celebrity Deathmatch ditches the glasses and milk to find out who’s actually super.
Oh, and don’t forget Tim’s Sack. It’s just scary the things we always seem to find lurking in there.. I’ll be sure to wear some gloves this time.
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
August 12th, 2020

In this shoot from the hip episode we find ourselves still isolated and once again have to Skype in the Crew, Patrick misplaces his moose hat when he sits in for a sick Tim, and Lathan buys some new toys to go with his brand new 3-D printing podcast.
Then, we discuss the perils of pre-ordering the new 40k, Katie turns up the volume on Pat when we talk podcast merchandising, and we prove that you get what you pay for when it comes to the quality of our show.
And finally, Katie starts a virtual garage sale to sell Dave’s stuff, we revisit Star Wars Mad Libs to see if the sequel proves worthy of the original, and we outsource Patrick’s job to Lathan when he finds it too hard to dig into Tim’s Sack. I don’t blame you Patrick, that thing makes me sick just thinking of it…
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
June 28th, 2020

In this tech issue filled episode we still manage to maintain our social distance as we Skype in the Crew, Lathan prints up the perfect mascot for 2020 so far, and we dedicate this recording to a very special little boy.
Then, we discuss different ways to keep track of our listeners, talk chewing gum and questionable children’s toys, and Lathan heads down the rabbit hole yet again when he goes on about his 3D printing.
And finally, Tim tests out his improv chops when he’s put on the spot for an impromptu Tim’s Sack. I’ll give you one guess how that turns out. I bet it’s print-worthy..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
April 11th, 2020

In this episode we try to make the best of a bad situation when Adepticon gets cancelled, Skype in a bunch of friends for the podcast so we don’t feel so bad about drinking alone, and Patrick proves he’s more than prepared when he stands in for an isolating Tim..
Then, we find ourselves suddenly embroiled in a Hawaiian pizza debate, enlist some moose into the Canadian military to keep an eye on the border, and then we share what we’re missing most about missing this year’s Adepticon.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money finds out that it looks pretty good in leather, Geeky Jean finds herself stuck in quarantine, and Celebrity Deathmatch turns into an episode of Bill Nye The Science Guy..
Oh, and don’t forget Tim’s Sack. I’m sure it’ll be one to remember..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
March 6th, 2020

In this episode NASA Luke stops by for a visit and sits in for a sick Lathan, Tim makes a mess when we find he has a bit of drinking problem, and Katie promotes our upcoming Adepticon recording as well as our teenage niece…
Then, Tim tries his hand at creating a new segment in the D-Rail, we once again resort to some horribly bad accents, and then come full circle when we derail the D-Rail and talk about sex shops.
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money shills to pay the bills, Geeky Jean asks the pros about our cons, and Celebrity Deathmatch gets starry eyed when it pits captain versus captain.
Oh, and don’t forget Tim’s Sack. I’m sure it’s going to be out of this world this time.
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
February 6th, 2020

In this milestone 40th episode Katie gets Schweddy when she channels NPR, Tim doesn’t have any hobby updates but Lathan more than makes up for it, and Amazon thinks Dave has some very specific tastes in novels..
Then, we talk about upcoming conventions, movies and TV shows when we take a geeky look forward into 2020, we mock our northerly neighbors, and Tim breaks his mic in the middle of the show – Again…
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money makes a Dark Return, Katie goes a bit Mad when Geeky Jean takes an episode off, and Celebrity Deathmatch uses the Force when weed killer would probably do..
Oh, and don’t forget Tim’s Sack. After all these episodes, Dave really wishes he could..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
November 27th, 2019

In this estrogen filled Thanksgiving episode Tim embraces his feminine side, Jean breaks out her Bedazzler while trying to avoid Rihanna’s lawyers, and Dave turns to the big and small screen when Katie steals all of his hobby updates.
Then, we actually manage to talk about some games when we discuss which ones to bring to our Thanksgiving get-togethers, but not before Dave’s accused of mansplaining – Again…
And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets all sweaty, Geeky Jean takes the podcast off to take some art lessons, and Celebrity Deathmatch talks turkey about a very famous fat man..
Oh, and don’t forget Tim’s Sack. I know we’re thankful we only have to deal with that once a month.
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
October 31st, 2019

In our 4th Annual Halloween episode Tim tries to be spooky but fails with some very lackluster intros, Lathan’s update is so long it needs a top ten list and a speed round, and Jean takes a nostalgic trip to Thra and talks about some Gelflings.
Then, we find out who among the crew deserves to wear the crown when Dave breaks out the buzzers for another horror movie trivia contest in the much-anticipated return of The Addams Family Feud.
And finally, we plug a truly terrible Halloween decoration, Geeky Jean plays favorites, and Celebrity Deathmatch welcomes back a previous champion when he’s forced to pick on someone his own size.
Oh, and don’t forget Tim’s Sack. It’s just scary the things we always seem to find lurking in there..
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
September 26th, 2019

In this episode we welcome the Wappels back to the show, Katie tells Dave to go outside when she insults his “Stink Room”, and Tim gets in trouble with Katie and Cathy when he can’t tell his Kathryns apart.
We then talk about Reapercon and Protospiel, Lathan Skypes in from his bedroom when his car breaks down, and Tim’s wife Nancy tells us that everything sounds sexier if you say it with a French accent.
And last but not least, Geeky Jean does a balancing act, Shut Up and Take My Money gets squishy just in time for Halloween, Celebrity Deathmatch smells a bit funny, and Tim’s Sack tries to find out what you want to be streaming.
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
Protospiel Chicago
September 5th, 2019
We got invited to attend Protospiel Chicago this weekend and we’re really looking forward to it. If you haven’t heard of it before, Protospiel is a design convention that takes place in cities all over the country that allows game designers to bring their prototypes in for a weekend of playtesting and input from other creators. While we don’t design games, we sure do like to play them. And we’ll definitely be playing quite a few this weekend. Maybe we’ll have a hand in shaping the next big hit on Kickstarter or on the game shelves. If you’re in the Chicagoland area this weekend and want to play some prototype games make sure to check them out here for tickets!
See you there!
I Feel Sorry for the Dragon
August 19th, 2019
As a fan of both the Avengers and Dungeons & Dragons I was happy to stumble upon an artist that combined them both! Artist Frost Llamzon did an awesome job of assembling an impressive D&D party.
But what’s a party of adventurers without a worthy adversary? Well, they’ve got you covered there. Behold, the might of Thanos, Death’s Lover, Neutral Evil, Monk way of the long death.
August 12th, 2019

In this episode Tim reaches out to a potentially crappy new sponsor, Dave rambles on way to long about a “sucky” book he read, and Mario proves he’s the king of the convention circuit when he tours the country to find even more of them.
We then talk about missing out on this year’s Gen Con, Geeky Jean channels her inner Canadian when she apologizes for jumping the line, and we discuss the nerdy fear of missing out when it comes to movies, TV, conventions, and games.
And last but not least, we announce the “lucky” winner of our Facebook contest, Shut Up and Take My Money puts a call out to all you Bohabs, Celebrity Deathmatch turns into a violent three-way, and Tim’s Sack tries to find out which of our crew is missing out the most.
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
August 7th, 2019
A while back I was brainstorming for some ideas for the podcast and one of those bits was Dave’s Shitty Movie Showcase. I thought it might be interesting to feature a really bad movie each episode and force myself to watch it so our listeners wouldn’t have to. It was just a brainstorming session and it never really felt like it got off the ground.
Then, it seems I got a sign.. In the form of the trailer for Velocipastor! Just take a look and tell me it doesn’t check all the boxes that makes a cheesy movie truly horrible and ripe for ridicule.
So, it seems Dave’s Shitty Movie Showcase will be coming soon to an Anonymous Tabletop Episode near you. Just make sure to bring the popcorn!
And, by the looks of it, a barf bag..
Gen Can't
July 30th, 2019
Another Gen Con is just around the corner! The best 4 days in gaming takes place in Indianapolis, Indiana this weekend but unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts we can’t make it this year. Instead, we’ll be hitting the recording studio for Episode 36 to record, drink, and commiserate all about what we’ll be missing.
But even though we’re missing it, it doesn’t mean we’re not looking forward to the games that will be for sale there. Here’s our list of the ones we’ve got our eyes on! Of course, Fantasy Flight is still holding their cards close to the chest until their In Flight Report tomorrow night. What do you think of the ones we’re interested in? Anything we missed?
July 12th, 2019

In this super-sized episode, we welcome Mario back after his 30-episode hiatus, find out Lathan might need an intervention for his gaming “addiction”, and we once again ask our listeners to fight each other for our amusement.
We then recap our trip to Columbus, Ohio for our very first Origins Game Fair, find out Dave’s obviously a big fan of doughnuts and beer, and Katie demos some new games while uncomfortably watching a marriage implode.
Afterwards, we discuss the rise of toxic fandoms, find out Neal Patrick Harris can play essentially any role, and Lathan rabbit holes once again and still can’t stop talking about his beloved DC.
And last but not least, we introduce a new segment in Shut Up and Take My Money, Celebrity Deathmatch gets downright radioactive but still somehow remains tasty, and Tim’s Sack has to put our listeners on hold while we all frantically scramble for answers.
Show Notes and Links – Down the Rabbit Hole You Go!
Jumanji: The Next Level
July 3rd, 2019
When Jumanji first came out I went in with some reservations. As a fan of the Robin Williams original I wasn’t sure where they could improve upon it. Boy, was I wrong. They lovingly payed homage to the original while introducing an updated – and unique – new version to a whole new generation. It was a much better movie than it had any right to be and we loved it. And why is Dwayne Johnson so damn likable? So, needless to say, I’m definitely in on Jumanji: The Next Level.
I just hope I don’t get all sandy this Christmas. That stuff gets everywhere..
Insert Coin
June 21st, 2019
Wow.. Ever wonder what the final battle of Avengers Endgame would look like if it was a retro 16-Bit video game? Well wonder no longer. Be sure to stick around for some behind the scenes making-of insight from the creator. This is truly a labor of love.. Of course, this goes without saying – Spoiler warnings if you haven’t seen Endgame yet. But I think most of the planet has by now but it doesn’t hurt to give a heads up.
Now where did it put all those quarters? I got next..
Is This Thing On??
June 21st, 2019

After an incredible Origins this past weekend it’s time to get back in the studio for another Anonymous Tabletop Podcast recording. We’ll be recapping our visit and going over some of the games we played while we were out in Columbus, Ohio. We’ll also be talking about toxic fandoms and their affect on games, movies, and TV shows. Of course, there’s no guarantee we’ll actually stay on track. But, in the end, that’s part of our charm really, don’t you think?
I also have a recap of our adventure at Origins 2019 in the works for a post here and on Facebook. Once I can sort through all the pictures we took I’ll be sure to get that put together. If I mention the pending post here and on the podcast this weekend do you think that’ll get my lazy ass moving? Maybe..
You’ll just have to come back to find out now won’t you? 🙂
Origins Here We Come!
June 13th, 2019

We’re headed out to our very first Origins Game Fair this morning and we’re letting you live vicariously through us! We’ll be sure to post updates to our Anonymous Tabletop Twitter, Instagram, Facebook accounts during the show as well as writing up a full recap here once we get back home. Oh, yeah, we’ll also talk all about it when we return and hit the studio for the next podcast recording.
Stay tuned for more!
June 12th, 2019

In this episode we start to wonder if we’re still truly Anonymous, talk more Starfinder before getting a very unexpected visit from Britney Spears, and once again speak directly to a listener in the hopes that we can somehow keep them out of prison.
We then talk to Heath and Johnathan of Panda Cult Games about Wander and Shovel Knight, invite listeners to join us for a game when we visit Origins, and Katie starts a spontaneous trivia game as we finally get a chance to discuss Avengers Endgame.
And last but not least, Geeky Jean returns to sit on the Iron Throne, Celebrity Deathmatch gives the cast of Avengers a spin, and Tim’s Sack gets sweaty and asks if you can smell what the Rock is cooking.
It's Time to Bring Your A Game..
June 11th, 2019
The trailer for the upcoming Avengers: A-Day video game released at E3 this weekend to mixed results. Some complained about costumes, some complained about them not using the MCU actor’s likenesses, and almost everyone complained about the lack of Hawkeye. But I don’t know, it looks pretty good to me. I can understand the differences from the movies just like I understand the differences in the animated shows. I just think that people tend to act so entitled and owed things based on their own expectations. But that’s just me on my soapbox. I’ll save that for the next podcast.. But anyway.. I’m looking forward to playing it when it releases in 2020.
With or without Hawkeye..
Just Make Sure You Remember to Rewind
June 6th, 2019

Feeling a bit nostalgic for the 90’s when there was a Blockbuster on every corner? Well, you’re in luck. Big Potato Games has you covered with their new Blockbuster: The Game. This party game pits two teams against each other in a head to head competition to see who can name the most movies in 15 seconds fitting each specific category. Then it’s “Triple Charades Jeopardy” as the teams try to act out and guess three movies in an attempt to get a movie card from all 8 genres to be declared the King of Blockbuster! It even comes in a VHS tape clamshell. Avoid the late charges and get yours now for the low, low price of 19.99 at Target.
And don’t forget the popcorn!
May 13th, 2019

In this episode some of the crew try to spoil Avengers Endgame without even having seen it yet, Tim alienates yet another game company when he mocks their name, and we learn what happens when Lathan has too much caffeine when he hijacks everyone’s Hobby Update.
Then, we try our hands at an actual review when we look at the new Starfinder Beginner Box from Paizo, break out a game of Utter Nonsense before immediately regretting it, and then spend the rest of the segment profusely apologizing for our horrible attempts at “accents”.
And last but not least, Dave puts his questionable taste buds to the test with some ghost pepper chips, Celebrity Deathmatch decides to go for a spin, and Tim’s Sack looks for a sidekick who’s finally ready for the big time.
Ewww.. There's Squirtle in my popcorn..
May 10th, 2019

Now that the juggernaut that is Endgame is behind us… We’re going to be checking out Detective Pikachu this weekend. If I went back in time and told the past me that I’d be buying tickets to a Pokémon movie I would have laughed in Future Dave’s face. But after seeing the trailer for this I’m actually looking forward to it.
We're Baacckkk.....
May 9th, 2019

Wow, that was painful.. You spend all this time creating a website, making it look all nice and clean, only to have a plugin go away and screw up everything. It’s really kind of amazing how much work goes into this place. But now I think we’re looking good again. So here’s to adding content again versus cleaning up a mess!
Welcome back!
Just make sure you wipe your feet before coming in.
Houston, We Have a Problem..
April 17th, 2019

I was in the process of writing up our C2E2 and Adepticon recaps and when I headed here to post them I found out that one of the plugins I used for the site – Beaver Builder Lite – went through an update and blew out all my formatting site wide. Came to find that the plugin was removed and is no longer supported. So, instead of posting some convention recaps I’m in scramble mode and fixing the website first. I found a new plugin, Elementor, that looks to be doing a fantastic job. Most pages are done but for the ones that I’m still working on, please pardon the dust. It’s a rough go but look at it this way, at least I’m not that guy up there..
April 16th, 2019

In this episode we find ourselves back at Adepticon for yet another live recording, absorb Patrick and Dev from the Out of the Basement podcast, and kidnap, er, I mean invite listeners both old and new to sit in on the fun.
Then, Clint AKA “Robeguy” lustily reads Dave’s hobby update, we take a break, grab you a towel and ask if it was good for you too, and Katie begins to question her cooking skills when we all take the Beanboozled challenge.
And last but not least, Geeky Jean returns, Celebrity Deathmatch lubes up and hits a bit closer to home, and Tim’s Sack polls the peanut gallery before placing an order to go…
Adepticon or Bust!
March 28th, 2019

Adepticon 2019 is upon us! We’re jonesin’ to get some gaming in this weekend but first the workday has to come to an end. And so far it is draggin……. But no matter, we’ll be there soon enough and boy do we have a jam packed schedule. We’ve got the Podcaster dinner tonight at Bahama Breeze for a little eating, drinking, and mingling with VIGs attending the convention with Geek Nation Tours. We have fun every year at this event and it gives us a chance to talk to fans of the show as well as pressuring folks to jump on board.
Friday it’s a full day of random gaming before jumping into the Meat Grinder – believe me, you’ll want to be there for that. Has to be seen to be believed. I heard they have a really cool sign. You won’t miss it.. 😀
Saturday is Anonymous Tabletop’s 4th Annual Live Recording session from 11am to 2pm. If you’re in town for the convention come one, come all and grab yourself a mic and give us your two cents or just sit in an listen while we make fools of ourselves. It’s always a blast. Oh, and there’s free games. Not saying they will be good games but they sure as Hell will be free. How’s that for truth in advertising?
Sunday is all vendor hall and random gaming. We’ll be bringing a load of games with us and if you’ve got what it takes to beat the snot out of the Anonymous Tabletop Crew at our own games we’ll take on all comers. Wait, that sounds bad. But what else is new? Well, anyway..
So if you’re at Adepticon, come find us! Hope to see you there!
March 14th, 2019

In this episode we take attendance only to find most of the crew missing, break out Dave’s Grandpa’s old nudie glasses to honor Mike’s excellent mead, and hear that we’re really going places when convention season finally begins.
We then take a look at some truly awful mass market games, make them duke it out March Madness style in a fight to the finish, and succeed in finding a fitting replacement for Tim while he’s out for a colonoscopy.
And last but not least, we invite listeners to our upcoming live Adepticon recording, Celebrity Deathmatch looks to be a bit gamey, and Tim’s Sack gets a tad vocal when it comes to talking drinking games.
The End is Near!
March 14th, 2019
I didn’t think I could get more excited for Avengers: Endgame. Well, I was wrong.. A new trailer just dropped this morning and now I want to see it more than ever. With a little more than a month left I’ll be counting the days. April 26th will be here before you know it.
Will you do whatever it takes to make sure you don’t miss it? I know I will.
What the Hell-Boy?
March 1st, 2019
When the first trailer for the new Hellboy movie dropped last fall I couldn’t say that I was all that impressed. And I don’t think I was alone in that regard by all the negative reactions I saw in the comment sections and elsewhere online. It looked like it would be dead on arrival.
Well, they must have listened to all those complaints and took them to heart since the new trailer they just released is considerably better and has rekindled my desire to see it. I’m on board once again and can’t wait to check out what Hellboy has to offer come April 12th.
Hell yeah!
Recording Time Again??
February 15th, 2019

Wow, we’re already headed back to the studio to record Ep 31 of the Anonymous Tabletop Podcast this weekend. This time, we’ll be taking a page from the playbook of our buddies over at Geek Fights when we pit a bunch of ridiculous mass market games against one another in a throw down March Madness style to determine which of them truly gets crowned the “best” worst game. Strangely, quite a few involve poop..
This should be interesting..
Frostbowl 2019
January 30th, 2019

The Polar Vortex came in with a vengeance so what’s a group to do when they get stuck inside? Play a bunch of games, that’s what! And, with that, Frostbowl 2019 was born!