Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 51: Under Pressure – Adepticon Live

May 4th, 2022

In this episode we finally find ourselves back at Adepticon for a live recording, Katie kicks it off with a Robe Guy introspective, and Dave finds that his word of the day proves very fitting for this recording.

Then, Mark decides to introduce everyone to Malort. Yep, that’s pretty much it. Remember what Dave said about his word of the day? Prepare to revel in our misery.

And finally, we begin to pay the price for tempting fate with Malort and we decide to skip our regularly scheduled program to bring you Golden Demon painting hour with pro painters Ben, Matt, and Mark.

Oh, and Tim’s Sack? That shriveled up this episode and was a no show. Thanks, Malort…

Episode 51 Show Notes and Links

Hobby Updates – 

Hobby Updates Legend: BG (Board Game), MG (Mobile Game), RPG (Role Playing Game), TG (Tabletop Game), VG (Video Game). The rest are pretty self explanatory really. 

Interviews and Friends of the show


  • Adepticon 2022 – Duh.. March 24th – 27th – Schaumburg, IL

Shut Up and Take My Money

  • No official Shut Up and Take My Money this episode but if you hate your friends how about giving them some Malort?
    • Malort – These pants aren’t going to shit themselves!

Celebrity Death Match

Dave Vs Malort

Bonus Track

This Message Will Self-Distruct in 5 Seconds..

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